My definition of self-acceptance

Hey Guys,
So lately I've been reading up on all sorts of body positive blogs and posts. You know, the blogs that are encouraging you to love yourself and accept yourself as you are right now. I do have alot of self love and i fully accept myself for who i am, but this hasn't been a smooth ride.
At first this was all too far from reality for me and i found the transformation difficult, as it doesn't just happen over night. I used to think to myself  “why can’t i love my body. I can’t stand living in it. I don’t feel good in my body. Why and how can I accept something that makes me so miserable?”
Then i started to realise after doing some research that often people confuse self-acceptance with stagnation. Staying miserable, learning to put up with something you hate. Many people wrongly assume that they’ll never change if they accept themselves (not to mention love themselves!!!) as they are right now. But it turns out that isn’t true.
So I've come to realise ACCEPTING SOMETHING DOESN’T MEAN YOU HAVE TO LIKE IT. The reality is that self-acceptance facilitates change. Acceptance can be defined as “the act of assenting or believing.” Once we come to truly accept where we are at in life, what works for us, and what doesn’t, we are then able to make decisions based on that reality.
I'm sharing this message with you as we are coming to the end of 2018 and soon we will be in the new year. And i know alot of you set new goals and start contemplating how you’d like to improve upon this past year. So with that in mind you just might want to consider adding self-love and self-acceptance to your list. As it just might help you accomplish everything else you had in mind.
I’m going to leave you with a quote from a fantastic book that I stumbled upon while researching this blog post. The quote relates to accepting your body as it is right now.
How can you begin to learn the lesson of acceptance? By recognising that what is, just is, and that the key to unlocking the prison of self-judgment lies in your own mind. You can either continue to fight against your body’s reality by complaining bitterly and immersing yourself in self-deprecation, or you can make the very subtle but powerful  mental shift into acceptance. Either way, the reality remains the same. Acceptance or rejection of your body only carries weight in your mind; your perception has no bearing on how your body actually looks, so why not choose the ease of acceptance rather than the pain of rejection? The choice is yours. “
Found in “If Life is a Game, These are the Rules” by Cherie Carter-Scott
Have you had an experience with self-acceptance? If so please share it on this post/ instagram page or if you want to send it privately via email or DM. 

Thanks for reading 
Laura XXX


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