Everybody has a swimsuit body!

 Hello you lovely lot,
One of my favourite quotes of all time is: Every Body has a Swimsuit body. A few weeks ago I was talking to someone I know and they asked me how I felt so comfortable with my swimsuit body. I answered with the quote, which caused a weird reaction. “Then why work on your body, if every body has a swim suit body”. The thing is I choose to eat healthy at times, because it helps me. I’d workout because I want too. I don’t do these things because I want to be “summer ready”. We are all summer ready. Always. And that IS A FACT!!
That conversation has me thinking as to why do we always think like that about ourselves? Why are we so afraid of wearing a Swimsuit or a bikini, afraid of exposing our bodies to the world? Because lets ne honest were the same person with or without clothing and we’re beautiful no matter what. The biggest and hardest part is believing it though.

I have learnt that self-confidence is something you need to always be working on. You should be constantly telling yourself  “I’m confident, I’m powerful, I’m smart, I’m kind, I’m loving, I’m ambitious.. bla bla bla  but most importantly I am ME and that’s good enough”.

Why should we worry about what other people might say or think about us? So what if they don’t like you. So what if they don’t like your body. At the end of the day it is their opinion and their life. You have your own and your own life.

I haven’t always liked my body. I am being honest with you here. But I learned to love and accept myself, the way I am.  Of course I could spend time comparing myself to girls who are thin, toned, prettier etc. but why would i? I am not them, I am me, I know that I am enough.

For me- Every body is a swim suit body. We all have our own Body, we all have swimwear. So put it on and wear it with confidence. It doesn’t matter if you have muffin tops, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a flat stomach with a six pack. Neither does it matter if you have a smooth, tanned skin with a Nicki Minaj butt. Some of us are blessed with it, some of us work their arses of to get it and some of us don’t think it’s that important. And all options are fine.

Thanks for reading and just remember that you don’t need to work on your swimsuit body. You need to work on your swimsuit mind.

Lau xx
All swimwear in this post was gifted by the lovely Figleaves Head to my Instagram page @perks_of_being_laura where you will find all of it linked directly to their website or check out their website yourself:


  1. I believe the same way u do, In fact we r who we r for a reason I believe. I am a 42 year old paraplegic male who is 375lbs I get hated on all the time but I look at like this I don't care what others think about me if they don't like it they don't have to look. I wasn't blessed down below but I didn't let it stop me from getting with women. I want to commend u on u and ur body u keep on shining.


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