The struggles of a plus sized woman
Hello, I wanted to write a little article about what it is like being plus sized and the struggles we face from day-to-day. So, being a plus size girl from my late teens, I know and understand firsthand the struggles and the hate that comes with it. I used to question the reasons why it is so bad for somebody to carry more body weight than others? Today’s beauty standards are ridiculous, portraying a biased view of what society should deem as the acceptable female body shape - I have touched on this matter in previous posts, and explored how important it is that we challenge this idea of what is seen as right and/or wrong with regards to women’s bodys and the need to promote self-love! Why do we grow up thinking that we have to be a certain size or weight? I see plus size people being shamed everyday online for the way they look. It’s wrong. Every size is beautiful. No one can tell you what your body should look like. You are the only person that can direct your life and ...